Customer Service Topics
Knowing Me Knowing You – The Great Customer Service Connection
Great customer service for every customer every time is the minimum standard for a business, professional practice, government department, educational institution or community organization. How is it possible to give every customer, client, patient or citizen that experience? How do you equip and motivate every member of your team to give their best? Discover how a commitment to excellence is less work and more satisfying than doing the minimum. Learn the great customer service connection in this seminar.
The Motivation Secret
Everyone needs to be motivated. This is especially true for leaders. Learn The Motivation Secret and discover how you can increase your motivation. Use The Motivation Secret to motivate others on your team and in your world. Improve your personal productivity, sense of well-being and ability to serve others well. Engage your clients and customers in a new way to set yourself apart from the competition. Unleash the potential in your business, government department, institution or community group with team members who are motivated. Get going and enjoy the trip.
Giving Your Customers Your Very Best – Every Time
Every company, organization and government agency knows that their identity is linked to customer service. How do you fight customer fatigue? How do you connect each person in your group as part of that commitment to great customer service?
At Strategic Seminars, we understand the motivation to give great great customer service comes through information, illustration and humor. This combination makes the moments meaningful and entertaining for your group or corporation.
Most of our speakers have been presenting to audiences for 10 – 25 years. We’re effective because we enjoy being with people. That’s also why we’re fun as well as informative!
- Customer Service In Industry
- Customer Service In Government
- Customer Service In The Service Industry
- Customer Service In Retail
- Customer Service In Sales
- Customer Service In Healthcare
- Customer Service In The Airline Industry
- Customer Service In The Financial Industry
- Customer Service In The Not-For-Profit
- Customer Service In The Travel Industry
We also are available to sub-contract with you to create customized seminars to assist your company in communicating your product or services to other groups.
Positively Stressed! Team Building for People in Stressful Places
Many occupations have stressful times that come and go. Some people work in occupations where stress is routinely part of the job. How do you cope with your stress? What can you do to minimize the impact of stress on your life at work and away from the workplace? How does stress influence others on your team? Learn how the importance of great teamwork during stressful times. Discover how to improve your environment for your team and those you serve. How do you stay motivated in stressful times? Turn destructive stress into positive stress.
Great Communication – The Key to Positive Customer Service
Relationships are only as strong as the communication between people. In this seminar, learn how to listen, learn how to share and learn how to read what is not being said. Understand who you are and how you communicate. Discover how to hear what others are saying you to you. Find the ways to use social media and technology to enhance your performance. These are important skills for anyone in wanting to offer excellent customer service.
10 Principles of How to Give Great Customer Service
Learn the key ideas that apply to everyone who is serving customers to provide great customer service that will keep bringing them back ready to buy and recommend your product or service. These are principles that everyone in your group needs to know and to own as part of who you are.
Understanding Customer Personality Types… & How to Keep Them Happy!
There are some general types of customers who will come into your life. Understanding their personality types will enable you to recognize and then deal effectively with each of the different customers in a way that makes sense to them. Save your energy by connecting with them the way they are already built.
Dealing With the Nightmare Customer… & How to Keep Smiling!
You thought your day was already tough enough – then in walks “The Nightmare Customer” who is on a mission to destroy you and anyone else in their way. How to calm and manage the most savage beast who comes into your world – and keep smiling!
Creating a Culture of Customer Service
Great customer service is more than a list of rules. All the do’s and don’ts will not work if you have not bought into the importance of customer service. How do you create a culture of customer service where customer service is caught not just taught? Learn from this seminar what creates that positive and confident culture.
Customer Service & The Successful Sales Cycle
Sales are tough to make. So many sales are undone by bad customer service. Many others never get to the point of sale because of a bad customer service reputation. Others lose out on sales because of how the customers are treated on the way to the point of sale. Without sales – nothing happens. Without great customer service – there are many fewer sales. Don’t leave your sales in the “One That Got Away” column.
Fighting Customer Service Fatigue
People – even those who are the best in giving great customer service – sooner or later get worn out. What can you do to prevent customer service fatigue in your team. Extend their effectiveness through strategies that protect your investment in those on the front lines to protect your customer satisfaction.
Customer Service on The Phone
Great customer service on the phone has some very special challenges and opportunities. Learn how to use the phone to make your customers feel great while you are solving their problems. Find out how the phone can be a productive tool to turning your customer confrontation into customer appreciation.
Social Media & Technology in Customer Service
There are ways to use social media and technology to enhance your customer service. Use it the wrong way and you will damage your relationships with customers and prospects alike. This seminar will help you sort through the maze of social media and technology alternatives as you provide great customer service.
Customer Service & Email
Great customer service using email is one of the most misunderstood communication areas – and yet more and more businesses handle most of their customer service in part with email. Learn how to give great customer service using email to make your customers more comfortable and more satisfied that you get it – even when it is just an email.
Customer Service at The Counter
Face to face customer service has some unusual elements. The effort to physically be present with you to deal with a complaint or product problem has already added some potential for extra energy in your meeting. Will the energy become positive or explosive? Let this seminar show you how to make your encounter a satisfying one.
Customer Service in The Field
Customer service in the field has some special challenges. You’re on their “turf” and they know it. How do you give great customer service without becoming a victim of the king or queen in their castle who want to say – “Off with his head!.”